I have to admit, this last week in Costa Rica has been a bit difficult for me. All we are really doing now until the end is writing our research papers, and it has given me plenty of free time to think about things at home. I have been missing the luxuries that are commonplace in the States: hot water, a bathtub, musical instruments such as a piano and violin, a diversity of food that does not include rice or beans in any way, shape, or form, etc. Plus, I really miss family and friends that I hold dear. So while I know that I am studying abroad and should be enjoying every moment since I have so little of time left, I am having trouble keeping my focus here.
I think an element of this program that sort of aids in making you homesick is that we are so isolated from town. Anytime we want to go anywhere, we have to pay for the ride there and back. Granted, it’s not that expensive to take a cab, but for a girl on a budget every penny counts. Also, the beginning of the program we had no time to become involved in the town, and so now at the end of the program when we have free time we have no idea what to do. I think if I was more involved in the town, I wouldn’t be focusing so much on wanting to go home. This is pure speculation of course, but I do think the next time I study abroad it will be in a program that is more focused on immersion into a community, whether it be local town, university, or whatever. This feeling of isolation doesn’t help matters. Don’t get me wrong, I have learned a lot from this program and I wouldn’t take it back. However, I think next time it would be fun to have a different kind of learning experience and environment.
Another complication this week was I had the unfortunate luck to get sick. The gland in my armpit swelled up, making it hard for me to use my right arm, and I was sleeping about 11 hours a day and having more trouble than usual focusing on my paper. I went to the doctor in town (it is an interesting experience when you can’t understand all of what the doctor is saying, and they start doing things to your body like digging into your elbow with a needle and you have no idea why until later) and she told me that I not only had an infection that had probably entered my body through a large open bug bite on my elbow (hence the needle), I had a fungus growing in my armpit. A fungus. IN my armpit. ….what?? I have to say I have never had anything like that before. My guess is one of the coffee farms I was working in gave me an early Christmas present. I can’t see any sort of growth in my armpit, but I feel like I should name it, so if you have any suggestions let me know J
However, I found a way this morning to lighten my spirits. I discovered that I still had a can of SPAM. I had brought it to give to my host family, but they don’t eat meat so I decided it probably wouldn’t be the best thing to give them. So, this morning I made one of my favorite breakfasts: SPAM and eggs. For any of you who haven’t tried it, I know that you are judging me. But seriously, don’t knock it ‘till you try it. When the eggs are fried just right and the SPAM is crispy….no words. Plus, to make matters even better, while I was eating breakfast I read an article my mom had sent me about one of my favorite authors, Barbara Kingsolver. She is my hero, I want to live my life like hers: have a farm where I grow my own food and be an advocate for social change. This combination of factors made for a great start to the day, and today I don’t feel as anxious to get home.
So here’s a tip to any of you who decide to study abroad: bring things that remind you of home. I don’t care if you don’t think you will get homesick; bring them. You will get homesick, trust me. I didn’t think I would, but I have been the most homesick here than I ever have in my life. Bring anything that reminds you of home, whether food, music, pictures/videos, games, whatever. It might be difficult to think of what reminds you of home while you are still at home, but definitely try.
So I don’t know if SPAM and eggs or newspaper clippings or Star Trek or any of the things that I brought or were sent to me from home are exactly a cure for homesickness, but all I know is that I feel good today J