sábado, 7 de noviembre de 2009


I’m going to try and post a video. I’m at an actual internet café, so downloading might be easier. Anyway, this is from the weekend away we had a while ago. I went to Montezuma with 4 other girls, and this was the highlight: a giant waterfall with a pool that we could swim in. The rock to the left of waterfall could be climbed in order to jump off (don’t worry, it was far enough away from the falls, I was safe J ) It was so much fun. It was a LOT of effort to get there, climbing over rocks and using rugged trails, but the end result was worth it: the water felt so good once we got in. Apparently there are 2 more waterfalls there, but it takes more hiking and we were already on a tight schedule. So much fun though!!

2 comentarios:

  1. thank you for the updates and the new video!!!

  2. ps.
    it is really hard to post a comment when i have no idea how to read spanish...
